Hi there,

I'm Andrea, a motion designer, visual effects artist, art director, and creative manager based in Chicago. With a decade of experience in advertising, experiential marketing, and production across industries, I bring a unique blend of creative direction, techniques, and strategic thinking to my work.


  • design & video

    My design strengths include 2D and 3D design and animation, video editing, storyboarding, and visual effects. I love to research the latest technologies and trends and find a way to integrate them into my work.

  • creative direction

    I’m passionate about art, technology, and design. From conception to delivery, I’ll consistently push the boundaries of innovation while shaping your visual identity.

  • project management & production

    I’m eager to be part of the team and I like to lead with kindness. This industry is tight-knit and I value the people in my network. I thrive on bringing people together and working towards a shared vision.

